Mike Schubert and his daughter Ellie Schubert, 9, from Greenville, TN, reach out for a high five after climbing to the top of the Pamper Poles on August 2, 2018. The Pamper Poles, two telephone poles with climbing rocks attatched, are one of three elements apart of the climbing tower.

Alanah Johnson, 7, and her father, Marshan Johnson form Chicago, IL shoot a bebe gun at the range on August 3, 2018. An archery and bebe range is open for campers to use during One-on-One time in the afternoon.

Landon Vanderkooi, 10, and Jeff Henry, 10, duke it out in the final Gorilla Wars battle of their camp session on June 28, 2018. Gorilla Wars is Camp Paradise's version of rock paper scissors and a long standing camp fire tradition.

Camp Director Curtis Vanden Bos rings the chapel bell on June 22, 2018. Each morning the bell's ring can be heard throughout camp indicating campers that chapel will begin soon.

From left to right, Bradley Simpson, Nicky Simpson, 11, Nate Peake, 11, and Paul Peake repeat the phrase "for you" to each other during the second day of their camp session on June 27, 2018. Each day of camp is accompanied by a different phrase to remind the fathers and their children of the teaching they heard in chapel that morning.

The summer staff runs out during the beginning of the campers vs. staff game of Capture the Flag on June 29, 2018. It is a camp tradition for the campers to play Capture the Flag against the staff members on the final night of each session.

Kara Goff, 9, from Huntley, IL, completes the high ropes monkey bars on August 4, 2018. The monkey bars sit 30 feet off the ground and are the only high ropes obstacle that campers complete individually.

Alec Hickman is bombarded by campers before the staff vs. campers Capture the Flag game on July 9, 2018. Hickman has served as a staff member for 5 years.

A view of the stars and Milky Way on August 3, 2018. Because of the lack of light pollution in the Upper Peninsula many constellations and planets are visible to the naked eye.

Cody Holz belays a camper down the rock wall at the Climbing Tower on August 4, 2018. The Climbing Tower consists of the Pamper Poles, three rock walls, and the Vertical Playpen.

From left to right Grace Leali, Westen Doran, Kylie Ryniewicz, Rohan Suri, and Andrew Jarcik look out at Lake Superior from a cliff in Marquette, MI, on July 5, 2018. The locals call the location "Top of the World" and often camp out there during the warmer months.

Sienna Halleen, 8, from Hoffman Estates, IL, completes the second stage of the Vertical Playpen on August 4, 2018. The Vertical Playpen consists of 4 different obstacles moving the climber higher and higher with each stage completed.

The dads form a gauntlet with their paddles as their daughters run underneath on the final night of the session on July 24, 2018. The paddles are another camp tradition where the sons/daughters decorate one side and their father decorates the other.

Griffin McNerney swings on the rope swing into the Tahquomenon River on July 31, 2018. The Tahquonmenon River is tinted brown because of the tree sap from the forest.

Max, one of the camp dogs, drinks from one of the hand pumps on July 25, 2018. With the lack of electricity and running water, green hand pumps are located throughout camp and are used for drinking water and filling buckets for showering.

Aaron Lovalgia and Izzy Kamptner lead campers and their fathers in worship along with the summer staff on August 2, 2018. The song "Everyday" is accompanied by motions and has been continuously sung throughout the years of camp.

Rohan Suri starts a boat to take staff members back to camp after a staff off day. Camp Paradise sits on the Tahquamenon River and crossing the river is the only way to get to the camp.

Mike Schubert and his daughter Ellie Schubert, 9, from Greenville, TN, reach out for a high five after climbing to the top of the Pamper Poles on August 2, 2018. The Pamper Poles, two telephone poles with climbing rocks attatched, are one of three elements apart of the climbing tower.
Alanah Johnson, 7, and her father, Marshan Johnson form Chicago, IL shoot a bebe gun at the range on August 3, 2018. An archery and bebe range is open for campers to use during One-on-One time in the afternoon.
Landon Vanderkooi, 10, and Jeff Henry, 10, duke it out in the final Gorilla Wars battle of their camp session on June 28, 2018. Gorilla Wars is Camp Paradise's version of rock paper scissors and a long standing camp fire tradition.
Camp Director Curtis Vanden Bos rings the chapel bell on June 22, 2018. Each morning the bell's ring can be heard throughout camp indicating campers that chapel will begin soon.
From left to right, Bradley Simpson, Nicky Simpson, 11, Nate Peake, 11, and Paul Peake repeat the phrase "for you" to each other during the second day of their camp session on June 27, 2018. Each day of camp is accompanied by a different phrase to remind the fathers and their children of the teaching they heard in chapel that morning.
The summer staff runs out during the beginning of the campers vs. staff game of Capture the Flag on June 29, 2018. It is a camp tradition for the campers to play Capture the Flag against the staff members on the final night of each session.
Kara Goff, 9, from Huntley, IL, completes the high ropes monkey bars on August 4, 2018. The monkey bars sit 30 feet off the ground and are the only high ropes obstacle that campers complete individually.
Alec Hickman is bombarded by campers before the staff vs. campers Capture the Flag game on July 9, 2018. Hickman has served as a staff member for 5 years.
A view of the stars and Milky Way on August 3, 2018. Because of the lack of light pollution in the Upper Peninsula many constellations and planets are visible to the naked eye.
Cody Holz belays a camper down the rock wall at the Climbing Tower on August 4, 2018. The Climbing Tower consists of the Pamper Poles, three rock walls, and the Vertical Playpen.
From left to right Grace Leali, Westen Doran, Kylie Ryniewicz, Rohan Suri, and Andrew Jarcik look out at Lake Superior from a cliff in Marquette, MI, on July 5, 2018. The locals call the location "Top of the World" and often camp out there during the warmer months.
Sienna Halleen, 8, from Hoffman Estates, IL, completes the second stage of the Vertical Playpen on August 4, 2018. The Vertical Playpen consists of 4 different obstacles moving the climber higher and higher with each stage completed.
The dads form a gauntlet with their paddles as their daughters run underneath on the final night of the session on July 24, 2018. The paddles are another camp tradition where the sons/daughters decorate one side and their father decorates the other.
Griffin McNerney swings on the rope swing into the Tahquomenon River on July 31, 2018. The Tahquonmenon River is tinted brown because of the tree sap from the forest.
Max, one of the camp dogs, drinks from one of the hand pumps on July 25, 2018. With the lack of electricity and running water, green hand pumps are located throughout camp and are used for drinking water and filling buckets for showering.
Aaron Lovalgia and Izzy Kamptner lead campers and their fathers in worship along with the summer staff on August 2, 2018. The song "Everyday" is accompanied by motions and has been continuously sung throughout the years of camp.
Rohan Suri starts a boat to take staff members back to camp after a staff off day. Camp Paradise sits on the Tahquamenon River and crossing the river is the only way to get to the camp.